Autism Spectrum Disorder


Individuals with Autism or Aspergers Syndrome have many strengths and special interests that can help them lead fullfulling and successful lives. They can also face many difficulties which impact on their level of self-esteem and ability to get along with others, and can cause a great deal of stress for their parents.


We specialise in helping parents understand their child with ASD and use an evidence-based, comprehensive positive behaviour support approach to address challenging behaviour. The service is family-focused and collaborative in nature, rather than using an "expert model". While parents and carers are seen as the most integral part of interventions, individual or group skill based programs for their child or adolescent may also be required to address issues around social, emotional or developmental progress.


Parents and Families can be assisted with:

  • Managing challenging behaviour
  • Adjusting to their child’s diagnosis
  • Stress management
  • Difficult parent-child relationships
  • Sibling support


The following difficulties can be addressed through our service:


Daily Living Skills

Parents are assisted to develop programs to improve their child or adolescents independent living skills such as eating, dressing, toileting, showering, money management or travelling skills.


Sleep Problems

Problems around sleeping routines such as wakefullness, sleep avoidance, waking too early or too late or fear of sleeping by themselves can be addressed. 


Anger Management

Managing angry and frustrating feelings can be a major difficulty for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Individual and group sessions to help with recognising and regulating anger, including relaxation strategies, manging conflict and solving problems can be obtained in a friendly and supportive environment.


Anxiety Management

Heightened anxiety in regard to separation from parents, social situations, going to school, fears and phobias can be addressed through teaching awareness of thoughts, feelings and behaviour and developing coping strategies.


Social Skills

Individuals with ASD need to be specifically taught the many skills required for interacting socially. The range of skills that can be taught include:

  • sharing and taking turns
  • being flexible when playing with others (eg. playing by other people's rules, coping with not winning)
  • making and keeping friends
  • conversation skills (eg. initiating, keeping on topic, talking about a range of topics, taking turns)
  • recognising and understanding other people's feelings
  • understanding others (eg. empathy and perspective taking skills)
  • solving social problems and conflict resolution

Depression and Self-Esteem

A negative outlook toward present circumstances and possibilities for the future is very common in children and adolescents with ASD and can have a profound impact on their ability to function socially, emotionally and academically. Building self-awareness and self-esteem is the focus of intervention in addition to using a cognitive behaviour therapy approach to change unhelpful thought processes.


Teasing and Bullying

Individuals with ASD can often be the target for teasing and bullying which can have significant detrimental effects on their well-being. Learning coping strategies and ways to deal with these experiences can be helpful.


Understanding their Diagnosis

To improve self-awareness the ASD diagnosis is introduced in a positive manner which builds on strengths and highlights strategies to support difficulties.


Personal Development

Moving into adolescence can be a difficult time with an array of confusing emotions and adjustments to new experiences. Issues around hygeine, interacting with the opposite sex, personal development and sexuality can be addressed.


School Consultation

School assistance can be provided through observation in the classroom, playground or other school setting and a case conference to collaboratively plan intervention strategies for concerns. A written consultation report is provided outlining discussed interventions, specific ASD strategies and resources for social, communication, behaviour and educational needs.



To Make an Appointment


Parents or carers are welcome to make an appointment by either calling directly, emailing or completing the online enquiries form.

Referrals can also be made by:

  • Professionals (eg. Paediatricians, GP’s, Psychiatrists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists)
  • Organisations or Department services (eg. Schools, Family and Community Services, ADHC, support services etc.)




- Diagnosis

- Cognitive Functioning

- Learning Difficulties

- Adaptive Behaviour




Parents and Families:

- Managing challenging

- Adjusting to diagnosis
- Stress management
- Parent-child relationships
- Sibling support


Children and Adolescents:

- Daily living skills

- Sleep problems

- Anger management

- Anxiety management
- Social skills
- Depression
- Self-esteem
- Teasing and bullying
- Diagnostic disclosure

- Personal development


School Consultancy

- School observation

- Liaison

- Behaviour support

Mobile: 0403 725 093


Address: 4 Chetwynd Rd, Erina NSW 2250

Postal: PO Box 3115, Wamberal NSW 2260

 Psychologist. Central Coast

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